
Wild About Arts ~ My Perfect Day Under the Sea (小韻作文)

呢篇絕對係原裝正版, 小韻嘅參賽文章, 請大家多多指教!!! 多謝!!!
My perfect day under the sea...
It was another perfect day out on the sea on my sailboat with my dog, Mochi. I breathed in the salty air. “ Isn’t the sea just lovely, Mochi?” I asked as he sniffed the air approvingly. “ Wuff!” he yipped. I laughed and ruffled his soft fur. Suddenly, I felt a drop of rain and looked up. The clouds started rolling in and darkening quickly. A storm was coming!
The wind howled and shook our little boat. Mochi whimpered as the heavy rain filled our boat with water. I held onto him tightly. Suddenly, as the winds grew fiercer, a wave hit our ship and we fell into the waters.
As we fell deeper down through the sea, I felt a pair of gentle hands pulling me through the water into a …what is it? Suddenly, my mouth was open and there was some kind of wet liquid that was poured in. Then, I fell into a deep sleep, breathing underwater calmly.

“Ugh...” I groaned, blinking my eyes. Where am I? My vision blurred for a while and when my surroundings became clear, I quickly looked around at where I was. It seems I’m in an underwater house… I thought, gazing at the seashell collections, inventions, paintings, instruments, and a desk. “Ruff! Ruff! Ruff!” cried out a voice in joy. I looked down. “Mochi!!” I cried happily, hugging him tightly in my arms. “I’m glad you’re okay,” said a gentle voice at the doorway. I looked at who the voice belonged to. A mermaid! “Oh, um…Hi!” I flustered, trying to find the right words. “Um, were you the one who saved us?” The mermaid nodded, her bright blue hair brilliantly flowing out behind her. “Thank you so much! I don’t know what would happen if you haven’t saved us!” I cried, bowing. “You’re welcome. Would you like to go on a swim with me?” she said kindly. “Oh yes!” I said as Mochi barked.
The mermaid, whose name turns out to be Kari, took us on a tour of the sea she lived in. I saw many animals that became my friends quickly after we were introduced. There were dolphins of all kinds, sea otters, whales, turtles, seals, fish, sharks, octopuses, squids, crabs, starfish, and so much more. I stared at the lovely coral and anemones with tentacles flowing in the water. I stroked the gentle textures of seashells and made a bracelet out of seaweed. Then, we joined Kari at the front of her house.
After the tour, she allowed us to play with the animals. “Just be really careful so you won’t hurt or scare them. I‘ll be here at my house working on some projects,” she winked as Mochi and I swam out. “Okay,” I replied, eager to play with the animals. We reached the dolphins and whales first. I held out a hand and smiled, so I can gain their trust, as Kari said. The baby dolphin rubbed its little smooth head on my hand. I smiled wider. The whales and the other dolphins saw and clicked happily. We spun in circles and looked for strange things and treasures. I also swam with the otters and turtles and looked for clams. Then it was dark. Time to go…
“I guess it’s time to go...” I said sadly to Kari when we arrived at her home. “Yes,” she said softly, finishing the bracelet she was making. “Well…what do you think?” She held up the bracelet. “It’s beautiful!” I said, staring at the little pearls, shells, and gems on it. She laughed. “Thanks! But… It’s not for me… it’s for… YOU!” She said, putting it on my wrist. I gasped. “Wow! Thank you so much!” I cried, hugging her tightly. “I shall always remember about you whenever I wear it,” I added, touching the largest pink scallop shell gently. She sighed. “Good-bye my dear friend,” she muttered, “Good-bye Mochi.” Mochi whimpered quietly. “Good-bye Kari,” I said, turning to leave. “Visit us sometimes!” Kari called, waving her hand in a complicated way. Suddenly, Mochi and I were on two dolphins’ back, swimming up to the surface. When we reached it, I waved the dolphins good-bye. Suddenly, I spotted something floating near the shore. A note in a bottle! I grabbed the note and it read, “We’ll always be waiting for you here. If you want to come back again, that is. -Kari.” I smiled and went home with Mochi trotting at my heels.

